Swanton Public Art Network
NEW Paint Party 2022 Barn Quilt Coloring Contest Winners
SIGN UP to complete an art board
of your very own creation.
NEW Barn Quilt Coloring Contest
Help bring more art to our community!
You're invited to design our next public art boards!
How to Enter:
1) Color in at least ONE of the examples on the entry sheet using no more than 4 colors on each barn quilt square (white space can be used and does not count count as a color choice for this project.) Enter as often and as many as you wish
2) Deadline: Friday, May 27, 2022
drop off at the Swanton Library during open hours
send a digital copy to info@swantonlibrary.org or programs@swantonlibrary.org (also reach out for more information)
3) Win!
Everyone wins when we add more public art to our community!
One Youth and One Adult winner will be selected by a panel of judges
Prizes (each winner will receive)
$25 cash prize
A set of Prismacolor colored pencils
Copy of "Vermont Barn Quilt Coloring Book Two" by John H. Lettau
Commemorative button with their winning design
Bragging rights to all your friends and family
Recognition of your winning design as it is re-created on the giant public art boards at John's Bridge.
4) Display / Paint Party
Winning designs will be painted on the Public Art Boards at John's Bridge as a community paint party on Saturday, June 11th from 10AM-2PM (Rain date: Sunday, June 12th).
Sponsored by the Swanton Public Art Network (SPAN), Swanton Public Library,
and Swanton Arts Council (SAC). Funding for this program was provided by the SAC
as part of an anonymous donation to bring more interactive art opportunities to our community.
NEW - SPAN Rides in Style in Swanton's Memorial Day Parade
NEW Press Release - Approved MOU with Swanton Town and Upcoming Community Events
NEW 8'x8' Art Board Raffle Fundraising Event

Raffle Tickets ON SALE NOW!!
Only 100 raffle tickets are available for sale, each for $20, and only available to purchase until
June 11th- NOW Extended thru July 22ndBenefit public art projects for Swanton and to also promote two talented local artists: Nicole Gadouas and Scott Rheaume
Opportunity to win an 8’x8’ art board of a majestic mountain landscape painted by Nicole and Scott
Now on display and can be viewed at the Route 7 art board just past John’s Bridge
Winner will be announced following the close of ticket sales.
Available for purchase at the Swanton Library, buy online thru the Swanton Arts Council, or Contact us at span4art@gmail.com to arrange purchase.